1949 年9月21日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议在北京召开,标志着中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度正式确立。
Chinese political leaders have been commemoratinga landmark event that preluded China's party system 70 years ago.
Monday marks the 70th anniversary of "May 1Slogans," a call made by the Communist Party of China (CPC) CentralCommittee on April 30, 1948 for non-communist parties, as well as peoplewithout party affiliation, to convene a political consultative conference andfound a democratic coalition government while China was in the midst of aliberation war.
A meeting was held here to mark the historicoccasion Saturday, at which Wang Yang, member of the Standing Committee of thePolitical Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National Committeeof the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), made aspeech.
About 10 days ago, leaders of the non-communistparties and senior figures without party affiliation visited revolutionarysites in north China's Hebei Province to commemorate the "May 1Slogans."
The call made by the CPCCentral Committee was an important event in the history of CPC-led multipartycooperation and political consultation system, said Zhu Jidong, research fellowwith the Academy of Marxism of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Seven decades ago, the "May 1 Slogans"received an ardent response from leaders of non-communist parties, who echoedpositively through public statements, phone calls and meetings with CPCleaders, according to Zhu.
"It indicated that non-communist parties andpeople without party affiliation began to openly and willingly follow the CPC'sleadership and embrace new democracy and socialism," Zhu said.
In September 1949, the first plenary meeting ofthe CPPCC was held in Beijing, marking the establishment of the CPC-ledmultiparty cooperation and political consultation system.
At a joint panel discussion with politicaladvisors in March, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee,had called the system "a new type of party system growing from China'ssoil" and "a great contribution to the political civilization ofhumanity."
Under this system, the CPC and non-communistparties share fundamental interests and work together effectively, Zhu said,stressing that non-communist parties are not opposition but consultants, aides,and co-workers of the CPC.
China's party system unites all political partiesand people without party affiliation toward a common goal, effectivelypreventing both the flaws of the absence of oversight in one-party rule andpower rotation and nasty competition among multiple political parties, he said.
It pools ideas and suggestions throughinstitutional, procedural, and standardized arrangements and develops ascientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, avoiding another weaknessof the old-fashioned party system, in which decision making and governance,confined by interests of different political parties, classes, regions andgroups, tear society apart, he said.
The 70-year history of China's party system hasdemonstrated that it fits China's reality and traditional culture, he said.
In his Saturday speech, Wang Yang said it isnecessary to unwaveringly uphold Party leadership and uphold General SecretaryXi's core status, as well as uphold the authority and the centralized, unifiedleadership of the CPC Central Committee, calling on non-communist parties toenhance their capabilities to perform their duties.
"Both the CPC and non-communist partiesshould not forget the original aspiration that drove leaders of oldergenerations to jointly forge this system," Zhu said. (新华社)
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