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提及这个基地,外媒在显眼位置写下了这样一句话:“美国政府进行最黑暗实验的中心。” 美国疫情,关于该基地的谜题重重。为何能言善辩的美国政客至今仍不摆出事实自证清白?
7/2019, the top secret US army's medical research institute of infectious diseases at Fort Detrick was closed;
8/2019, a large-scale "influenza" killed more than 10,000 people;
2019年10月,美国在中情局副局长的参与下组织了“事件201”-全球流行病演习; 10/2019, the United States organized Event 201 - A Global Pandemic Exercise with the participation of the Deputy Director of CIA;
11/2019, pneumonia of undetermined origin was found in China;
2020年2月,世界暴发流行病;2/2020, the epidemic in world broke out;
2020年3月,有关德特里克堡关闭的大量英语新闻报道被删除,显示“ 404未找到”......
3/2020, a large number of English news reports about the close of Fort Detrick were deleted, displaying "404 not found" ...
POMPEO: Look, the best experts so far seem to think it was manmade. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point.
我住在特拉华州,就在马里兰州旁边,相隔1英里的样子。11月末12月初,我们这里的每个人都得了一种可怕的不明呼吸道疾病,有流感症状。我的家人就有,并且我母亲差点死于其中。去看了三次医生,症状持续了21天。很糟糕,这不是普通的流感,医生也无能为力。我那个治疗中心每个人都有这种症状。整整三周,他们都说医生们无法确定病因。我认为这种病毒先在我们这里有,然后在中国发生了变异,又传了回来。从那时起,我母亲就在隔离了。因此我们看看她是否有抗体就知道了。而且他们拒绝在这里给我们进行检测,仿佛不想让我们知道似的。 我甚至说过,我的推测可能是错的,但事情的发展某种程度上证实了我的想法。他们现在已经证明病毒在第一例病例出现之前就已经开始传播了,这个县的这个小镇已经被定义为是危险地区。有点疯狂。我住的地方靠近一个度假区,冬天这里死气沉沉,而且已经关闭了。所以我不明白我们这里人这么少,怎么会成为危险地区。但是,当我说这里的每个人都得病时,这确实证实了这一点。我感谢这些话,并欢迎其他信息的提供。我真的不希望事情变成现在这样。我甚至不反对特朗普。我想他根本不会知道。但是这些都是我的经历和基于我所掌握的信息来进行的推测。所以骂我傻瓜根本没有用。我受过大学教育,从事一份技术性很强的工作。如果你不同意我的观点,随便你,但我不能改变这里正在发生的事实,不管你们说我什么。
... the reported death toll from the virus in the United States topped 60,000 — more killed in eight weeks than the 58,000 American troops killed in eight years of major combat in Vietnam.
The Secret History of Fort Detrick, the CIA's Base for Mind Control Experiments
Today, it's a cutting-edge lab. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was the center of the US government's darkest experiments.
In 1942, alarmed by reports that Japanese forces were waging germ warfare in China, the Army decided to launch a secret program to develop biological weapons.
On March 9, 1943, the Army announced that it had renamed the field Camp Detrick, designated it as headquarters of the Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.
In the spring of 1949 the Army created a small, super-secret team of chemists at Camp Detrick called the Special Operations Division. Its assignment was to find military uses for toxic bacteria.
In 1951, Dulles hired a chemist to design and oversee a systematic search for the key to mind control.
They may have died without knowing they were part of the CIA's highly secretive program to develop ways to control minds — a program based out of a little-known Army base with a dark past, Fort Detrick.
还是在德特里克堡生物基地,附近100多位居民患上致命癌症。外媒报道称,当地人进行了为期一年的调查,发现生活在该地区的癌症患者数量惊人。(... startling number of people with cancer living in that area.)
We decided a deadly cancer cluster. More than a hundred people living in that area have developed cancer.
..in the fact of the CDC doesn’t trust their wastewater system it gets a little crazy something.
范德林登说,这些问题可以追溯到2018年5月,当时暴风雨频发,摧毁了该地一座厂龄高达数十年的用于处理试验室废水的蒸汽消毒厂。在研究所开发出新的用化学物质去污系统之前,暴风雨让研究暂停了几个月。 The problems date back to May 2018, when storms flooded and ruined a decades-old steam sterilization plant that the institute had been using to treat wastewater from its labs, Ms. Vander Linden said. The damage halted research for months, until the institute developed a new decontamination system using chemicals. 而新的去污系统需要改变实验室的某些程序。在6月份的一次检查中,疾控预防中心发现新程序没有贯彻落实。范德林登说,检查人员还发现了新化学去污系统的机械故障以及泄漏,不过她补充说,泄露仅发生在实验室内,没有泄露到外部。 The new system required changes in certain procedures in the laboratories. During an inspection in June, the C.D.C. found that the new procedures were not being followed consistently. Inspectors also found mechanical problems with the chemical-based decontamination system, as well as leaks, Ms. Vander Linden said, though she added that the leaks were within the lab and not to the outside world. 她说,这“一系列的事情”招来了中止令,研究所还丢了登记执照。 "A combination of things" led to the cease and desist order, and the loss of registration, she said.
Maryland Secretary of Health Robert R. Neall issued a new mandate for doctors after 23 lung-related illnesses have been linked to vaping in the state of Maryland as of Thursday, Oct. 3. The number only includes voluntarily-made reports.
Dr. Melodi Pirzada, chief pediatric pulmonologist at NYU Winthrop Hospital in Mineola, N.Y…The outbreak is "becoming an epidemic," she said.
"Something is very wrong."
Doctors at the Mayo Clinic examined samples of lung tissue from 17 patients, all of which looked as if the people had been exposed to toxic chemicals, the researchers said.
The injuries also look like those seen in people exposed to poisons like mustard gas, a chemical weapon used in World War I, he said.
The latest data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that there have been at least 32 million cases of influenza in the 2019-20 US flu season.
So far, there have been 310,000 flu-related hospitalizations and 18,000 associated deaths this season.
If it's possible that some flu patients may have been misdiagnosed and actually had coronavirus.
Rouda followed up and asked, "So we could have some people in the United States dying for what appears to be influenza when in fact it could be the coronavirus?"
The doctor replied that "some cases have actually been diagnosed that way in the United States today."
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